Success for the 3rd Rencontres Rayonnement Radiochimie 2024

Conference organisation (27/06/2024)


From June 18 to 20, 2024, several laboratories from ICSM, the Département de Recherche sur les Procédés et Matériaux pour les Environnements complexes (CEA ISEC/DPME) and the Département de Recherche sur les Procédés pour la Mine et le Recyclage du Combustible (CEA ISEC/DMRC) organized the third R3C 2024 Radiation Radiochemistry Meeting at the Musée de la Romanité in Nîmes (France). This biennial event brings together the various scientific communities involved in radiolysis and radiochemistry. On this occasion, around a hundred people from all over France gathered around forty oral presentations, 25 posters and a round table to discuss news from CEA, CNRS and the university in relation to the scientific themes addressed during these days.

Credit: M. Virot / ICSM

On this occasion, the traditional themes of the R3C days were grouped into 6 axes:

  • (i) Radiation chemistry ;
  • (ii) Radioelement chemistry;
  • (iii) Environment and health;
  • (iv) Primary effects of ionizing radiation;
  • (v) Large-scale facilities and characterization tools;
  • (vi) Upstream and downstream of the electronuclear cycle.

The organizers would like to thank the numerous sponsors and industrialists who supported this event and made it such a great success (CEA, ISEC, ISCM, CNRS, SCF, IRSN, Pôle Chimie Univ Montpellier, STERIS).