Thanh Nghi Nguyen

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Thanh Nghi Nguyen

Version française



Ph.D. Thesis

Modelling of heavy metals aqueous solutions for the separation chemistry: a multi-scale approach.

10/2012 – 10/2015
Ph.D. Thesis (University Montpellier 2) at Laboratory Mesoscopic Modelling and Theoretical Chemistry (ICSM)

Supervisor: Pr. J-F. Dufrêche
Collaborations: M. Duvail, Ph. Guilbaud (CEA Marcoule / DRCP)

Recycling methods for heavy metals often rely on equilibria between phases. In these processes such as the liquid-liquid extraction, the metal is selectively transfered from an aqueous phase to an organised organic phase. The separation between elements relies on the affinity differences for both solutions. Modelling such process is complex since different scales of description and various effects have to be taken into account: electrostatic force, solvation effects, importance of the complexation, extractant molecules aggregation, etc.

In this context, the thesis focus mainly on the aqueous phase by studying molecular ions in solution. This study aims at providing a realistic thermodynamics description of the process from a molecular approach. To this end, the McMillan-Mayer approach is used. First, electrolytes modelled are the uranyl chlorides and nitrates.