Ongoing national et international projects and collaborations:
- International Research Project (CNRS) "NISHI" or "NanoIons at Soft and Hard Interfaces" with Darmstadt university (Pr R. von Klitzing and E. Schneck) and Regensburg university (Pr D. Horinek), 2024-28.
- PI for National ANR-12-BS08-0021 project PROMENIX for "Nano-ions : an opportunity for the investigation of membrane proteins" with DTMS-Li2D (Marcoule), IBS Grenoble and L2BC-Saclay. (2023-27)
- Partner on CHAOPOM ANR PRCE for "Chaotropic Polyoxometalates: From Fundamental to Applications" between Univ. Versailles-St Quentin / ICSM on french side and Jacob univ. on German side
Completed project:
- International Research Project n°466 (CNRS) "NISI" or "NanoIons at Soft Interfaces" with Darmstadt university and Regensburg university, 2019-22.
- Partner in ANR-17-CE08-0016 project FOAMEX or "Leaching foams to extract metals from electronic waste", project carried by C. Monteux (ESPCI, team leader) and in collaboration with BRGM and a start-up EXTRACTHIVE. (2018-09/22)
- Partner in ANR JCJC (2016-19) CAMOMILS from G. Gassin (univ. Montpellier)
- Partner in ANR (2016-19) DYNAMISTE (L2IA partner with CEA-Marcoule, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau and Wöllner GmbH & Co. KG).
- White ANR project 2013-16, "CELADYCT", partner with PESCA UMR 7195 (team leader), Cordouan Technologies and Department of Environmental Fluid Mechanics TU Delft - end june 2016
- PI in ANR labcomV4 (2014-17) VECT'OLEO with OLEOS SA - end august 2017
- PI for national ANR-12-BS08-0021 ILLA or "Interfaces liquide-liquide actives" with ILM UMR 5579 UCB Lyon and MSM UMR 7177. (2013-16)
- Partner in RSNR 2014-2016, Demeterres (DEveloppement de Méthodes bio- et Eco- TEchnologiques pour la Remédiation Raisonnée des Effluents et des Sols en appui à une stratégie de réhabilitation post-accidentelle.) with CEA, AREVA, IRSN, INRA, VEOLIA EAUANR 2013-16
- Partner in European FP7 program SACSESS (Safety of ACtinide Separation proceSSes)
- Partner in ANR CD2I 2010-14, "CATASURF" with EA CMF 4478 Lille (team leader), IPCM UMR 7201 Paris and DSM Innovative Synthesis Geleen - end january 2015
Instrumentation / Capabilities:
Langmuir trough with BAM analysis (KSV), drop shape analysis (Krüss DA100), ring tensiometer (Krüss), AcoustoSizer (Colloidal Dynamics), ZetaSizer (Malvern), Static and Dynamic light scattering (ALV LSE 5004), refractometer (Arago), Viscosimeter/densimeter (Anton Paar), pH-titration, tubidity, conductivity (Metrohm), osmometer (Knauer), Total Organic Carbon titration (Shimadzu), UV-vis spectrometer (Varian), ICP-AES (Arcos from Spectro Analytical Instruments), Mass spectroscopy Orbitrap (Thermo Scientific), SWAXS (Xenocs) and SANS (Large scale facilities), SHG plateform