Nicolas Dacheux

University Montpellier


ICSM/LIME (Bât. 426)
Site de Marcoule
BP 17171
F-30207 Bagnols-sur-Cèze Cedex
Tel: +33 4 66 33 92 05
Fax: +33 4 66 79 76 11
e-mail: nicolas.dacheux ad


Curriculum vitae

Since 2007ICSM/University Montpellier (Marcoule, France)
Professor in Radiochemistry – Physico-chemistry of Interfaces (CNU section 33)
1996 – 2007University Paris-Sud (Orsay, France)
Lecturer in Radiochemistry – Chemistry of Materials (CNU section 33)
1995 – 1996CEA/DAM (Bruyères le châtel, France)
Military scientist
1992 – 1995Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay (Orsay, France)
Ph.D. in Radiochemistry – University Paris-Sud-11 (France)


Skills and competences

  • Syntheses through wet and dry chemistry methods, and hydrothermal routes of inorganic precursors
  • Sintering of ceramic materials
  • Dissolution and leaching of ceramic materials (model nuclear fuels, matrices for specific conditionning)
  • Determination of thermodyanmic data associated with dissolution reactions and saturation processes
  • Techniques dealing with the characterization of materials (XRD, vibrational spectroscopies, SEM, TEM, EPMA) and elementary (ICP-AES, ICP-MS) or radiochemical (alpha or beta liquid scintillation, alpha, beta or gamma spectrometry) analyses in solution


Main responsabilities in Research and Teaching

  • Supervision or co-supervision of 46 PhD thesis
  • Head of "Partitionning chemistry, Materials and Process" speciality within Master of Chemistry at University Montpellier
  • Teaching in Bachelor, Professional Bachelor and Master grades at University Montpellier 2 , mainly in Radiochemistry, Chemistry at the ultra-trace level, Radioecotoxicology, Management of radwaste and Nuclear materials
  • Teaching in Radiochemistry/Radioactivity at University Paris-Sud (PCGE Master), Ecole Polytechnique Féminine (5A - ECD) and within the French-Chinese Institute of Nuclear Energy (IFCEN)


2007-2023Head of the Laboratory of Evolving Interfaces in Materials
Since 2015Associated editor of Journal of Nuclear Materials
Since 2011Member of the governing board of "Institut International à l’Energie Nucléaire" (I2EN)
Since 2011Appointed member of CNU – section 33. President since 2023.
Since 2012Member of the Scientific Council of the "Ressources" Federative Project within the NEEDS program (Nucléaire: énergie, environnement, déchets, société) CNRS/CEA/AREVA/CEA/EDF
Since 2013CNRS representative at TALISMAN European Network EXecutive COMittee and head of the "Training and Education" task
Since 2013Member of "Comité Thématique d’Etablissement" in chemistry at Université Montpellier
Since 2013Member of the Scientific Council of Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier
Since 2009Organizer of 39èmes Journées des Actinides
Member of Local organinzing committes for 26th JIREC, EUROMAT 2011, Matériaux 2014
Organizer of various symposiums (EUROMAT 2011, EUROMAT 2013, MRS 2015)


Scientific production, Awards and Significant Publications (since 2008)

Author of 216 publications in international scientific peer-reviewed journals, 6 patents, 45 proceedings, 16 scientific popularization papers, 100 oral communications and seminars and 39 invited conferences.

h-index : 43

Award-winner of Société Française à l’Energie Nucléaire (SFEN) Prize – Essonne (1995), of Yvan Peychès Grand Prix of Académie des Sciences (2001) and of Special promotion award of IN2P3 (CNRS, 2002).


List of publications (HAL extraction)